Friday, February 19, 2010

What Happened to day 5 of 90?

Okay, confession time. You will notice I am missing day 5. That is because I was very sick yesterday and never got enough energy to do a work out. At least that is what I told myself. My nose was stuffed and I was out of energy. Sometimes you just have to take a day off and rest up right? So, that is kind of what I did if you don't count the fact that I still attended a three hour meeting and went to school for four hours. I was pretty much just there physically, not exactly there mentally if you know what I mean. So in reality, I could have taken a walk if I had wanted to, but I chose not to.

So, I will have to make sure I take the time to get my walk or some other kind of exercise in today. Oh, and yesterday's food consisted of soup, and chicken and cheese wrapped in a tortilla. Snacks included a piece of cheese and a hand full of chips.

Stay tuned for another post later today.

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