Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Day 4 of 90

Never knew a head cold could come on so fast, but last night I ended up feeling kind of bad and WHAM! This morning at 4 am I woke up unable to breath out of the right side of my nose, and my head was in pain. And once I was up, I was up.

Now, I could have taken a moment to do some kind of walk or exercise since I was up already, but I didn't feel too much like doing anything other than blowing the crap out of my head. So, I tired to do that with little to no success. And eventually I fell back asleep sitting up in a chair. A very comfortable way to sleep I assure you. Might have something to do with the success of chiropractors.

Now, I could go on with all of the wonderful things I did today, however, due to the fog of my head cold I am unable to tell you because I can't quite remember what I did. I think I just floated around the house doing pretty much nothing of importance. (Good thing I got so much work done yesterday.) I do know that later in the day I went for a walk with the family, including the dog. A very LONG walk. And I bought some decongestant.

For dinner I had a veggie burrito, a ham and cheese sandwich for lunch, and I don't recall eating anything for breakfast. Yes, I went backwards tonight. I figured it was the best way to go since I feel all out of whack! Deal with it.

Lesson learned today: Getting some exercise is totally doable if you make the effort. And it might just make you feel a little better faster. (still to be determined)

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