Sunday, December 6, 2009

Opportunity to Review a Book!!

I read a few blogs here and there, but one I am reading all the time is Susan Wise Bauer's blog ( She has written many books. I was turned on to her blog by a friend of mine who uses The Well Trained Mind for homeschooling. A book Susan Bauer wrote and one I have used as well.

Mrs. Bauer is in process of finishing up her new book, History of the Medieval World and I have been given the opportunity to read a "in the works" copy. After I read it, I then write a review/personal feelings blog on the book. This is a high school/college level book that fits in with her younger versions of the History of the World series. My teenager is reading the first one, History of the Ancient World and I'm feeling really lucky to get this chance to read the second book before it comes out. So come back by in a few days or so and I'll let you know what I thought of the book! And check out her blog when you get a chance!