Sunday, May 23, 2010

Hurry up And Wait!! Still

Yep, we are still waiting on our 501c3 status. Not sure what the hold up is, but should be any time now. We just had to go through some changes to our bylaws in order to continue the process and make the IRS happy, and now we are still on hold. There is just so much we would like to do but can't until we get this piece of paper that has now cost us, well, a lot of money.

Patience is hard. But you have to have them to get through this process. And you have to have a lot of faith that all things will work out. So, the waiting continues.

So what do you do in the meantime? Well, you work on policies and procedures, you work on volunteer contracts and a nice long fund raiser list, among many other items. And you continue to talk it up with the locals so they stay informed on your progress and stay interested and excited.

Plenty there to keep us busy. :)

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