Thursday, March 5, 2009

Thoughts on Journaling

Journaling is a huge part of my life. I began keeping a record of my life at the age of 12 and still journal to this day at age 37. Currently I am about to finish yet another chapter of my life's record tonight and as usual, I am hit by the amazing number of events that can happen in my life over a short period of time. (I go through a journal in about 3-5 months) And then there is the growth! I have changed and grown so much from these past events and being able to record this has helped me in so many ways as I have gone back through the stories and memories. I don't share this for any particular reason. I just love to journal, as each one is a part of me and records my history. Each one is my view of the world I live in. And as I end one chapter I am excited to begin another new one, and I thought I would just share. :)

I wonder if anyone will ever read my journals some day? What would they learn from them? Would they see the same lessons I see? Probably not. I suppose it depends on the reader. Just like the Bible. Everyone who reads these stories has a totally different view of the world and interprets things in a unique way. No one reads the same biblical story and hears the same thing. But that is what I find so cool about it. And hearing the different interpretations of it really broadens my view of it all. I don't know that my journals will ever broaden any one's view of the world, but they sure do help me to get through life.

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